The PCC met on 20th November, 2018. Outcomes included the following:
- Life Treasury: Plans for the installation of the first shelving units for this scheme (explained in the July PPC Report) are being drawn up to be submitted for approval by the Diocese. In the meantime, a small portable unit will appear on the south side of St Nicolas Church to get the scheme underway. This unit will command a small yearly rental which will be increased when the main units are installed.
- Heating System update: Following a recent investigation of the system, a new timer is to be installed. The system is now working well and it is not intended to pursue renewal of the system at this time.
- Parish Giving Scheme (details in September minutes): PCC members are joining this this Direct Debit scheme which is now to be launched for our congregation. We hope that most church members will join the scheme by Christmas and, in the new year we hope to roll it out to encourage more of our community to participate.
- Worship for All: A team including people from all parts of our church community has been established to prepare for this new monthly service starting in the new year. The Diocesan Children’s Advisor is to meet with this team shortly.
- PCC Away Day: The PCC is committed to a mission-based Saturday session in the new year to review progress on our Mission Action Plan and plan for the future.
- Quinquennial Review: This four yearly review of our churches by the Diocese is due next year but it is hoped to postpone it to 2020 when we anticipate the work on the south side of St Nicolas Church will be completed.
- Carol Singing on the Green: It is planned that this year, St Nicolas Church will join in this traditional community event on 20th December.
- Review of Harvest Festival and Lunch: Jane is to meet with members of the Social Committee to reflect on this year’s event and consider plans for next year.
- South Side Appeal: The PCC agreed that we now get our architect to draw up a specification for this work which will then be submitted to the Diocese for approval. We will tackle the most urgent matters first. The meeting emphasised the need to keep the momentum going regarding fund raising, particularly in the new year.
- Remembrance Sunday Review: It was felt that this year’s event was particularly successful partly due to the way in which the various co-ordinators worked together. The meeting considered whether we might invite uniformed organisations to any other events during the year.
- St Nicolas Church Electrics: A report on the church electrics has shown up some faults in lighting switches and sockets. The meeting agreed to paying £1,786 to get these matters addressed.
- Burnham Lions Fayre: It is hoped that our churches might be involved in carol singing at this community event this year. It is on Thursday, 6thDecember and will be advertised in the pew leaflet.
- Cleaning the north path: This path has developed moss which, when wet is dangerous to walk on. Janet has volunteered to power wash the path to address this situation.
- Deanery Synod: Brenda kindly submitted a report on the most recent meeting which included a talk about parish nursing and a course about working with children and young people.
- Treasury Report: James reported that we are on course for a deficit of between £5k and £10K this year. The need to increase our income was highlighted.
The next Annual Parish Church meeting is now fixed for Sunday, 7th April, 2019.