Outcomes from PCC Meeting: 14th September, 2023

  • Creating permanent Servery: We await approval from the Diocese to create the permanent structure.  We have to have architect’s drawings produced which will now be done.  
  • Video installation progress: The system is now working well except that one of the two cameras will not sync properly with the sound system.  Given all the problems we have had with getting the video side working reliably, we have decided that if the installer cannot get it working completely well on his next visit, we will ask for the cameras to be taken out and not pay for them.  This will also mean that we are unable to live-stream weddings and funerals so it is hoped we can solve the problems.
  • Heating repairs update: The problem we had last winter has been clearly identified and we are seeking professional help to address it prior to the coming winter.
  • Re-configuring storage: We have established a small group to rationalise where we keep things and re-organise our storage for the future.
  • Autumn Events: The PCC went through all the events up until Christmas to ensure all arrangements are in place.
  • Worship Sub Group: We agreed to commit our church to establishing a group of people to lead intercessions every week.  This will be launched on a Sunday soon and full support will be available for everyone who feels they could offer this ministry with help.
  • Pastoral Care: This group reported on its activities.  There are seven people who each offer support to 2 or 3 members of the congregation.
  • Social Committee: Arrangements for our Harvest Lunch, Scarecrow Festival, Bonfire and Bangers Evening, Friends Taplow Talk (November) and our Patronal Festival in December were outlined and agreed.
  • Treasurer’s Report: The PCC were made aware of our current financial position and shared concerns about meeting our parish share commitments.  
  • First Aid Box: This has now been examined and restored for future use.
  • APCM Date 2024: It was agreed to timetable this meeting for Sunday, 21st April, 2024