Outcomes from the 15th January, 2023 PCC Meeting

For further information about any of these matters, do not hesitate to talk to any member of the PCC.

  1. Stewardship Commitments – On the financial side, most returns confirmed current giving commitments with a few increases.  On the talents side, we await information from the Vicar (unable to attend this meeting due to ill health)
  2. Proposed new servery in church – the meeting discussed and agreed outline plans subject to acceptable costs and seeking approval from the wider congregation when we have finalised the plans.
  3. Sound/Video installation position – the sound system is now complete and working well.  The video system is unsatisfactory and one camera will need to be moved.  Work continues to sort this out.  We have only paid half of the full cost and still seek further funding for the remainder.
  4. Use of Oasis in flower arranging – The flower arrangers are planning a special session with someone talking about alternatives to the use of Oasis.  After this, we look forward to hearing the views of our flower arrangers about the feasibility of cutting the use of Oasis.
  5. Christmas Service Review – The Christingle, the Nine Lessons and Carols, the Crib Service, the Midnight Masses and the Christmas Day services were much appreciated and generally well attended.  Given that Christmas Day is a Monday next year, it was agreed to adopt the same pattern of services but to have a said Morning Service on Christmas Eve (Sunday).
  6. ‘Pop-Up’ shop outcomes – The meeting commended this initiative which raised over £2000 on three Saturdays before Christmas.  It is hoped to repeat this next year (with better publicity) and also consider doing it on the day before Palm Sunday.
  7. Communications – the meeting reviewed all aspects of our communications giving particular consideration to our use of paper and printing and how we might use electronic communications more effectively.  Further consideration will be given to this matter in the context of our review of the Mission Action Plan and setting new priorities.
  8. Preparation for the PCC Away Day in March when we will consider our Mission Action Plan.  The proposals of the Vicar for this session were supported; the use of the Church Development Tool was welcomed and it was hoped we might build into the day a look at what has been achieved (or not!) since our 2019 review.
  9. Sub-group meetings – The Worship and Mission & Outreach Sub Committee Meetings have been postponed until the Vicar returns.  The meeting was updated on Fabric issues and there were brief reports on the Social Committee work and the Friends of St Nicolas Church.
  10. Treasurer’s Report – The budget for 2023 was discussed and approved.
  11. Lent Course – it was agreed that this year’s Lent Course on Inclusion should be held on Monday evenings.  
  12. Future Meetings: the PCC will meet for an Away Day on 4th March to work on the Mission Action Plan and the next meeting is on 15th March.  The APCM is still to be arranged.