- Servery Update: Representatives of the Diocesan Advisory Council had visited the church earlier in the week and been impressed with the way we were trying to model the South aisle for the future. Valuable suggestions were made and a summary of the position will shortly be received and we will then finalise our construction plans.
- Heating: We are obtaining three quotations for a future heating contract to ensure a consistent system for future winters. We hope to decide on a contractor in July.
- Electronic Pew Leaflet: We are going to introduce an emailed pew leaflet sent to everyone (unless they unsubscribe) on the electoral roll. This will also replace “this week’s notices” on our website. The paper version of our pew leaflet will continue for the time being.
- Area Children’s Worker: We have been active in supporting a proposal to seek Diocesan funding for a Children’s Worker. This process will take some time but we have plans in place if we are successful.
- Church Warden: We still only have one Church Warden and the PCC stressed how important it was for her to be actively supported by church members.
- Open Gardens Event: the meeting reviewed the plans in place for this event. It had been planned to open the church to show our kneelers but after discussion, we considered that plans for exhibiting our kneelers deserve a special event and further thinking will be given to this.
- Legacy Project Proposal: We discussed the need to identify a few key building projects for the future of our church which could encourage bequests. Our next meeting will look at the recently received Census Data for our community and begin to think through priorities for the future.
- Worship: our Sub-Group has reviewed all aspects of our Parish Eucharist including the introduction of our nave altar and the consequence for the use of the high altar. (It is proposed to trial giving the blessing and dismissal from the high altar step), the distribution of the communion post covid (suggested no change), the offertory and how we could symbolize our offerings given the demise of cash giving, the use of the pulpit (Jane will trial this) and how we might identify specific local needs in our intercessions. The report also referred to the relatively inaccessible language in some of our older hymns and there was discussion about the need for balance in our hymn selections.
- Fabric: the meeting heard about action taken re roof leaks and gutter clearance.
- Taplow Talks: In August, we will have the first of our faith journey talks by Jane and in November, Martin Uden will make a presentation related to Remembrance.
- Health and Safety: Some of our oldest cups have been disposed of because there was a risk they would break during use. The Friends have paid for some new mugs.
- Summer Rectory Garden meals: Jane is offering several opportunities for a meal in her garden during the Olympics. A poster outlining these opportunities will soon be published.
May, 2024