Outcomes from PCC Meeting: 14th March, 2024

  • Servery Area: Our architect is liaising with the Diocese on what information is required for us to get a faculty to go ahead with the work.  We cannot go forward until this is resolved.
  • Our sound and video system: this is now working well and we are paying the final invoice.
  • Heating problems: we are seeking three quotes for a service contract to ensure any malfunctions are quickly addressed.
  • ‘Open Minds’: One event we are exploring is a session looking at the conflict in Gaza with Jewish and Muslim representatives.
  • ‘Open Doors’: There are woodwork sales coming up both in church and in the community and we plan to invite more charities to have stalls at the Christmas Fair on 16th November.
  • Church Telephone Number: we agreed how this would be publicised.
  • Safeguarding: the meeting discussed a safeguarding scenario to raise our awareness of the need to follow protocols.
  • Annual Accounts: these were agreed in preparation for the APCM on 21st April
  • Pew Leaflet Proposal: We discussed the possibility of making our pew leaflet a weekly email to all on the electoral roll.  This raised issues related to those without online access, those not on the electoral roll and the use of our TV screen going forward.  Further consideration is being given to this.
  • Building issues: we are addressing leaks in the roof and minor repairs.
  • Friends: The talks and events are going well and the Friends are considering how to broaden the membership and ensure annual donations are made for our projects.
  • Treasurer’s Report: It was agreed to open two savings accounts for money ear-marked for projects which are delayed (eg servery). 
  • Deanery Synod: The latest newsletter had been circulated.
  • Health and Safety: we were reminded that any accident or near accident in church must be recorded.
  • Electoral Roll: One person has withdrawn from the electoral roll having moved away.
  • Children, young people and families Worker opportunity: we are working with St Peter’s and St Mary’s with a view to submitting a bid for the funding of a full time worker.  Bids to be in by October.
  • Church Wardens: After four years, Tony and Hilary will step down at the next APCM so we need a new church warden.  The Vicar and Church Wardens are outlining the key areas we need covered and we are appealing for people to step forward to fill this role (one or two people).