On these pages are photographs and information about all the stained-glass windows of the church.
The descriptive text and historical information on the windows is taken largely from the two volume National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies (NADFAS) survey of the church 2002-2004. We are indebted to The Church Recorders for gathering and recording this information and allowing us to reproduce it here, for a wider audience, with many thanks.
Here is a short glossary of the architectural terms used in the descriptions of the windows below.
A style of architecture which originated in the 12th century and lasted to the 16th century. It evolved from Romanesque Architecture and later gave way to Renaissance Architecture and originated in France. It was at the time known as the French Style and its most characteristic features are the pointed arch, ribbed vault and flying buttress. It only became known, rather insultingly, as Gothic, much later. Gothic is most familiar as the architecture of the great cathedrals abbeys and parish churches of much of Europe. The style can also be found in many castles, palaces, town halls and universities. A Gothic revival period began in mid 18th century England and extended even into the 20th century in ecclesiastical and university buildings, the current church of St Nicolas Taplow (1912) being an example.
A vertical structural element which divides adjacent window units.
Openwork pattern of masonry or timber in an opening, especially the upper part of an opening; most common in Gothic architecture. Blind tracery is applied to a solid wall. Plate tracery, the earliest form, introduced c. 1200, has shapes cut through solid masonry. Bar tracery, introduced c. 1250, has patterns formed by intersecting moulded ribwork continuing upwards from the mullions. Bar tracery types include: curvilinear tracery, with uninterrupted flowing curves, typical of the 14th century (also called flowing tracery); geometrical tracery, typical of c.1250-c.1310, which uses simple forms, especially circles, chiefly foiled; intersecting tracery, used c. 1300, formed by interlocking mullions each branching out in two curved bars of the same radius but different centres; loop tracery (Scots), used c. 1500-45, with large uncusped loop-like forms; panel tracery, with even upright divisions made by a horizontal transom or transoms; reticulated tracery, early 14th century, with net-like patterns of ogee– (double-curved) ended lozenges; Y-tracery, used c. 1300, which branches into a Y-shape.
English Gothic architecture c. 1240-1290. During this period the French invention of bar tracery allowed for larger windows subdivided by stone mullions and tracery, in place of the single lancets of the Early English style. Geometrical tracery is the earliest kind of this bar tracery, i.e. with patterns formed by intersecting moulded ribwork continuing upwards from the mullions, using simple forms, especially circles, chiefly foiled.
(lit. leaf): Lobe formed by the cusping of a circular or other shape in tracery. Trefoil (three), quatrefoil (four), cinquefoil (five), sexfoil (six) and multifoil express the number of lobes in a shape.
Arild Rosenkrantz, Baron of Denmark, 1870-1964, was a painter and sculptor. He studied in Rome and lived in Paris, New York, Switzerland and London. He rented a property in Taplow from time to time.
There are four windows in St. Nicolas by him. The series of five windows in the Lady Chapel are in memory of his mother (window J); the Lady Chapel north-east window, Archangel Gabriel and The Virgin Mary in memory of John and Lily Noble (window H); the south transept, Nativity, B.V. Mary, Adoration of the magi, dedicated to James Mynyard Du Pre (window K) and the north aisle, by the font, Suffer Little Children in memory of Henry Arlett Woolfryes (window B).
A photograph of the Virgin Mary and Christ Child (from the centre Lady Chapel window) by David Cudd was used by The Diocese of Oxford as a Christmas card in 2003 with royalties going to support the work and mission of the Church of England.
WINDOW A (South Lobby)
Window of 2 lights, 8 tracery lights and 1 eyelet – South Lobby just inside South Door.
Stonework – 2 cinquefoil headed lights with geometric tracery in pointed head.
Tracery Lights (1-9)
Comprising 6 dagger shaped 2 quatrefoils and 1 eyelet.
(1,2) Dagger shape forming a circle.
(3,4) Pointed quatrefoils.
(5,6,8,9) Dagger shaped.
(7) Eyelet.
All tracery lights have stylised vine stems, leaves and grapes in white and yellow on a black ground.
Main Lights (10,11)
(10) FAITH – Pointed cinquefoil in centre of light Faith stands holding plain white latin cross in raised right hand and decorated green covered book with gold edged pages in raised left hand. She has gold nimbus and wears crimson veil, long dark purple robe across shoulders, chest and arms. Cloak is lined in brown with gold edging. Under cloak she wears a full length long sleeved orange gown over which is long red and crimson tunic with gold and brown diagonal striped border. Bare-footed she stands on green hummocks and arched stems of foliage, on pale coloured stone base across light. Behind figure light green stems and foliage of bushes
2 and 13) Across-foot background.


Window of 2 Lights, 8 Tracery lights and 1 eyelet – North aisle west end, by font.
Stonework – 2 pointed cinquefoil headed lights with geometric tracery in pointed head.
(1-9) Tracery Lights Comprising 6 dagger shaped, 2 quatrefoils and 1 eyelet.
(1,2) Dagger shaped. Forming a circle, red heart in centre lobe, white background outer lobes green yellow fillet border.
(3,4) Pointed quatrefoils. Red and white stylised flames in centre lobe, white background, outer lobes green, yellow fillet border.
(5,6,8,9) Dagger shaped. Red and white stylised flames in centre, white background, outer lobes green, yellow fillet border.
(7) Eyelet. Green with yellow fillet border.MAIN LIGHTS (10,11)
Pointed cinquefoil. In centre of light a mother stands with babe in arms and two children at her side looking at Jesus (right panel). She wears light brown veil, pale blue collar, mauve long-sleeved robe and long orange cloak. The bare-headed baby, wrapped in a white sheet, is cradled by mother in both arms against her chest and left shoulder. The older child, brown haired and dressed in short green tunic stands in front of woman looking down and with his right arm round shoulder of toddler. The bare-headed toddler stands in front of older child wearing mauve tunic with bare arms outstretched. Both children have bare legs and feet, and the three figures stand on brown stones and coloured plants. Behind the mother is a stone wall and vine stems with green foliage and pink and blue grapes. Above wall two angels stand with hands clasped in prayer. Both have long brown hair with flame decoration at centre of head. They wear loose pale coloured gowns and their wings are in shades of purple. In three centre foils at top of light heads of cherubs resting on golden folded wings with pale golden background. Beneath cherubs on a background of quarries in pale colours a white scroll with gold border and the words Suffer.little. Children in black ornamented versals- At bottom of light decorative panel. Against a background of pale coloured rectangular shapes in centre a circular design including three pale fishes on green backgrourrd swimming in clockwise direction, symbolising the Holy Trinity. Fillet border runs round base and both sides of light, ending in acanthus leaf in both lower foils at top of light. This light has a hopper opening with cord attached for opening and closing,
Pointed cinquefoil. In centre of light Jesus stands looking down, with right hand held out in blessing and left hand on head of child. He has mauve and white nimbus, long brown hair, short beard and moustache- He wears long, white gown covered by pale brown tunic with blue sash at waist and long red cloak over arms and shoulders. In front of Jesus a brown haired child stands facing him with hands together in prayer, wearing short orange tunic with bare arms, legs and feet. The figures stand on brown stones and coloured plants. Behind Jesus is a stone wall and trunk of vine with green and brown foliage and blue grapes- Above wall two angels as in left panel. The angel on the left has a strange symbol on sleeve of gown (at Jesus’ elbow). In the centre at top of light heads of cherubs resting on golden folded wings with pare golden background. Beneath cherubs on a background of quarries in pale colours a white scroll with gold border and words To.come.unto.Me in black ornamented versals. At bottom of light decorative panel as in left panel but with fishes swimming in an anti-clockwise direction. Fillet border as in (10) left panel.
(12,13) Across foot of both lights dedication in black omamented versals on white background.
To. The Honour & . GLORY. of GOD.
.. And. in. Loving MEMORY. of.
..DIED.JUNE.30th 1912 AGED.90 ..
(14) In left hand bottom corner of the right light a panel with maker’s mark A Rosenkrantz 1913.
Construction – Leaded stained and painted glass.
Date – 1913
Size – height 2.93m width 1.2m. approx.
Design – Baron Arild Rosenkrantz
Built – Lowndes & Drury
Window of 2 lights with 3 tracery lights – Chancel north west window
Stonework – Tracery lights comprise of 1 quatrefoil and 2 eyelets.
The quatrefoil in the centre shows an angel with golden hair and white and gold rayed nimbus. She has golden feathered wings and wears a long sleeved long white gown. She holds a long white scroll with gold border and black gothic letting in both hands. Blessed is the man that heareth Me. There is a red background with one white star in lower west lobe and a white fillet border.
The 2 eyelets are a red leaf design on black background with a white fillet border.MAIN LIGHTS (?,?)
Pointed trefoil. St. Matthew stands in front of an elaborate stone canopy and screen with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above the canopy is a white scroll gold edged with black and gold gothic lettering. S. Matthew. This is surmounted by white nimbed fair haired angel with gold wings on decorative gold and white stone plinth. She wears white gown with short fringed sleeve over long golden sleeve on right arm. Left hand rests on top of white and gold decorated book. St. Matthew, with gold rayed nimbus with white border, long beard, moustache and short curly hair, holds white quill pen in left hand and large blue and gold covered book in right hand. He wears a long sleeved long white gown under rich red long sleeved tunic with green sash at waist. Over this he has white gold embroidered cloak with cowl and gold and white fastening at neck. Around his right arm cloak is gathered beneath book with hem attracted to sash at waist and draped over left arm. Barefooted he stands on pink and maroon tiled floor. Behind him a green patterned backcloth with gold jewelled border at top, similar border with gold tasseled fringe at hem. white fillet border round sides and top of light.(?) RIGHT LIGHT – St. MARK
Pointed Trefoil. St. Mark stands in front of an elaborate stone canopy and screen with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above canopy white scroll gold edged with black and gold gothic lettering. S. Mark. This is surmounted by gold winged lion. He has gold nimbus with white border, thick mane and right paw with talons resting on book. He sits on decorative gold and white stone plinth. St. Mark with gold rayed nimbus with gold band on white border, bearded with moustache and short brown hair holds white quill pen in right hand and writes in open book held in left hand. He wears long white long sleeved gown under dark purple long sleeved tunic with wide border of gold and white flowers and leaves at hem and pink sash at waist. Over this a loose white cloak with jewelled border and gold patterned lining. His cloak with cowl and clasp at neck drapes over arms and behind book. Barefooted he stands on pink and maroon tiled floor. Behind him red patterned backcloth with gold jewelled border at top and silver jewelled border and gold tassels at hem. White fillet border round sides of light.
To . the . glory.of . God . and . in
. loving . memory . of .
Charles . Pascoe . Grenfell . Of
. Taplow . Court . died . March . 21′ 1867
Two pointed trefoil headed lights with geometric tracery in pointed head.
Tracery Lights (1-3)
Comprising 1 trefoil and 2 eyelets.
(1) Trefoil. In centre angel holding in both hands large gold decorated crown with fleur-de-lys. with golden air and white rayed nimbus with gold border she has large green feathered wings and wears a long sleeved long white gown with gold band on collar. From the waist of the gown a white sash falls from her right side and behind her to her left side. She rests on a white stylised cloud. Rich red background with one white star in lower west lobe and white fillet border.
(2,3) Eyelets. white leaf design on dark gold background with gold border inside white fillet border.
Pointed trefoil. Blessed virgin Mary stands in front of an elaborate stone canopy and screen with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above canopy white scroll gold edged with black and gold gothic lettering. B.V.Mary This is surmounted by white lilies with gold leaves on decorative gold and white stone plinth, dark background. The Blessed Virgin Mary, with white and gold rayed nimbus with white border has long golden hair held by white studded head band. Arms raised across her breast, she wears long blue gown with long loose sleeves under which are long white sleeves with gold embroidered cuff and broad embroidered band at neck. At waist, knotted green and brown sash hanging down in front with gold fringe. Over the blue gown she has white patterned long loose cloak with gold border and bright gold lining. Barefooted she stands on pink and maroon tiled floor, against background of brown patterned cloth with jewelled border at top and similar border with gold tasseled fringe at hem. White fillet border round entire light
Pointed Trefoil. St. Nicholas stands in front of an elaborate stone canopy and screen with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above canopy white scroll gold edged with black and gold lettering St. Nicolas. This is surmounted by cathedral church on decorative white and gold stone plinth with dark background. St. Nicholas, with gold rayed nimbus with white border, has short hair, short beard and moustache. In his right hand he holds gold crosier, his left hand supporting gold leafed book on which rest three brown leather purses. He wears a white
cloth bishop’s cap, eastern style, with gold jewelled band, white alb with gold apparel, elaborate gold fringed stole, dark purple dalmatic with gold clavi. Over this he has a rich red, gold lined, chasuble with pallium shaped orphrey and border at hem all in gold and white. At his neck he wears an amice with gold and white apparel. Over his left arm he carries a gold embroidered and fringed maniple and wears white gloves. On his feet he wears brown buckskins and stands on a pink and maroon tiled floor against a background of green patterned cloth with gold jewelled border at top and similar border with gold tasseled fringe at hem. White fillet border at sides of light. At head of light hinged metal window opening forwards.
(6,7) Across foot of both lights brown decorated scroll with white border in front of
architectural screen against blue background and white gothic lettering dedication.
To . the . Glory
of . God
Date – After 1898
Size – Height 4. h.265 x Width 117 cms.
Note – As you have no doubt noticed in this window St. Nicholas has the now, more common, spelling.
East Chancel

Tracery Lights (1-9)Comprising 3 cinquefoils, 4 eyelets and 2 pin point eyelets.(1) Cinquefoil. Agnus Dei Lamb standing on a stone plinth with Banner of Victory. Behind Lamb golden sunburst with green fillet border. Within lobes parts of pink outer nimbus, white fillet border and rich red background.
(2,3,6,9) Eyelets. Golden sunburst on rich red
(4) Cinquefoil. Angel, golden nimbus. Green, blue and pink wings. Silver headband with trefoil decoration. She wears long sleeved long white gown under white, gold lined cloak with gold decoration. She rests on blue, grey and white stylised cloud. Rich red background with large and small stars.
(5) Cinquefoil. Angel, golden nimbus. Dark green and pink wings. Gold headband with trefoil decoration. She wears long sleeved long white gown under white, gold lined cloak. She rests on blue and grey stylised cloud. Rich red background with large and small stars.
(7,8) Pin point eyelets. Clear glass.MAIN LIGHTS
Pointed Trefoil. Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus in lower half, 3 angels in upper half. Joseph standing behind Mary and Baby. Golden nimbed he wears crimson cloak white lined with gold clasp over long white gown with long sleeves and hood. Brown hair, moustache and beard. Right hand, index finger raised. Left hand holding long gold staff. Mary kneels with hands crossed beside crib. Pink nimbed she wears white veil over golden hair, dark red gown under blue, crimson lined cloak. Infant Jesus lying in straw covered wooden crib, golden sun ray nimbus. He lies on white sheet covered in white cloth. Legs crossed at ankles and arms extended towards mother. 3 angels looking down on Nativity, white nimbed, pink wings and golden curly hair. They wear long loose flowing white gowns with gold embroidered pattern. Angel on left has long gold sleeves. Behind angel on right long golden shaft of light shines from bright star over *tiuity scene. Background starting from top of light is of night sky and stars. Purple hills with ancient walled city, mauve church in foreground. Below this is a green hedgerow with various leaves and berries and below this 2 daisies and white lilies. Beneath crib a ground of flora in greeq grey and pink.(11) CENTRE – CRUCIFIXION Pointed Trefoil. In centre of light figure of Christ on crowned cross with arms outstretched dark gold cruciform nimbus. He wears crown of thorns on golden hair, golden beard and head bowed on his left shoulder. He wears purple band of clottq the subligaculurn Both hands and feet held on cross with 3 gold nails from which blood flows and also from wound in right rib. Above head nailed to cross with gold nail INRI (the Title) on white parchment. Behind cross red, blue, white and crimson mandorla. At the foot of the cross are three wooden stakes in the ground and supporting the base of the cross. Behind kneeling figure of Mary Magdalene, weeping. Blue nimbus and long, golden hair and hands over face she wears long-sleeved, long white gown covered bv crimson cloak” gold and black border and gold tassels at hem. Background starting from top of light. Behind crown red ground with pink and blue decorative fringe. Night sky and stars. Behind mandorla sun on left and crescent moon on right. At base of mandorla lilies on both sides. Beside Mary Magdalene gold flowers and green leaves and beneath her a ground of flora in pink and blue.
Pointed trefoil. Christ and Mary Magdalene in lower half 3 angels in upper half. Figure of Christ standing in garden. Red and gold cruciform nimbus, long brown hair, moustache and beard. He wears long, long-sleeved white robe, with gold band at neck and shoulder. Crimson cloak draped from left shoulder under right arm and has embroidered white and gold band at neck and hem. Bare-footed and holding in left hand and over left shoulder a long handled grey hoe. Right hand with palm open towards Mary Magdalene who kneels at foot of Christ. pink nimbus, untied flowing golden hair with face upturned to Christ with hands together. She wears long-sleeved, long blue gown under red draped cloak, white edged. At foot of Christ and close to Mary Magdalene is her golden jar of ointment. 3 angels look down on Christ and Mary Magdalene, white nimbed, pink wings and golden curly hair. They wear long loose flowing white gowns with gold embroidered pattern. Two lower angels have long, gold sleeves. Background starting from top of light. Night sky and stars. Behind the hoe is a distant town. Green hedgerow in greens and gold behind wooden post and rail fence. At foot of light ground of flora in pink, green, blue and grey.On lights (1 – 6) and (9 – 12) there is a white fillet border. (11) is taller than (10) and (12).
(13, 14, 15) Across base, runs a white scroll with gold Gothic lettering on black background.
The Word was made Flesh | It is finished | Behold I am alive for evermore |
Quotations from John 1v.14 / John 19v.30 / Revelations 1v.18
(16)At the base of the window, across 3 lights is the inscription
Construction – Leaded stained and painted glass.
Date – 1891
Size – height 5.35m width 2.15m. approx.
By – Heaton, Butler and Bayne, Garrick Street, London.
Cost – £157.10.0 defrayed by public subscription
Stonework – Two pointed trefoil headed lights with geometric tracery in pointed head.
Tracery lights comprising 1 quatrefoil and 2 eyelets.
Quatrefoil in centre badge of Rifle Brigade with crown in top lobe. Beneath crown, bar with wordWATERLOO in white capitals on black background, white outline. Beneath this patée formée cross with names of battles in four sections (see diagram). A centre circle with words RIFLE BRIGADE within circle, horn suspended from ribbon beneath crown. In lower lobe white scroll with SOMALILAND 1904. In left lobe two white scrolls SOUTH AFRICA & 1900-2. In right lobe two white scrolls with THE GREAT WAR & 1914. All lettering in black capitals. Quatrefoil has blue background and stylised border.
(2 and 3) Eyelets. Brown pattemed glass with three stalks of vine leaves and grapes. With plain white border.Main Lights (4 and 5) In the head and top of both
lights is an elaborate stone canopy and screen with
flowing tracery and windows on blue background.ARCHANGEL GABRIEL
(4) Pointed trefoil. Figure of Archangel Gabriel stands in front of screen. White rayed nimbus, light wavy hair, gold coronet with central bottonée cross. He wears long sleeved long white robe with embroidered dalmatic and clavi and embroidered stole, both tasselled at hem. Long red sash around waist. long golden wings. He holds long stemmed white lily against right shoulder with right hand at base of stem and left hand towards right shoulder. He stands bare-footed on tiled floor of light and dark brown triangular patlern. Behind figure of Gabriel brown backcloth with bejewelled hem and tasselled fringe. white fillet border round entire light.
(5) Pointed trefoil. Figure of St. George standing in front of screen, white rayed nimbus, light hair. He wears full armour with red cross of St. George on breastplate over gold chain mail. White fabric with gold fringe is draped over right shoulder and arm. On left of figure reverse of gold shield shown attached to left arm, also pommel and quillon of sword attached to sword belt. In his right hand he holds gold lance, piercing dragon at his feet, at the top of which is a cross and banner of victory. Round his feet lies green and blue scaly dragon, with green wings and tongue, blue tapered tail. He stands on tiled floor of light and dark brown triangular pattern. Behind figure of St. George brown backcloth with bejewelled hem and tasselled fringe. White fillet border round entire light.
Within top of main lights scrolls with words in black gothic lettering from Revelations IIv.10.
Be. thou. Faithful
. unto. death. and.
. I. will. give. thee.
.a. crown. of. life.
Across foot of both lights on white scroll in black roman lettering
Bottom of left panel
Bottom of right panel
In bottom right hand corner is mark of Heaton, Buter (sic) and Bayne.
Construction – Leaded stained and painted glass.
Date – After 1915.
Size – height 2.65m width 1.17m. approx.
By – Heaton, Butler and Bayne, Flampstead Road, London.
Chancel south west window
2 pointed trefoil headed lights with geometrical tracery in the pointed head.
Tracery Lights (1-3)
Comprising 1 quatrefoil and 2 eyelets.
(1) Quatrefoil. Figure of angel with green and gold out-stretched wings and gold edged nimbus. long golden hair with headband with small trefoil design at centre. She wears long white, gold patterned gown with long sleeves and collar. She holds a silver, gold-edged, scroll with black gothic
lettering By me.Kings.reign (proverbs 8 v 15) Red background with white fillet border.
(2-3) Eyelets. White leaf design inside white fillet border.
Pointed trefoil. Figure of St. Luke stands beneath elaborate stone canopy with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above canopy white gold edged scroll with black and gold gothic lettering,S.Luke, surmounted by golden winged ox, with white halo and book under left hoof, on decorative gold and white stone plinth. St. Luke with gold rayed nimbus with plain gold border, bearded with short hair is portrayed in the act of writing his gospel. He wears long olive green long-sleeved gown with white cuffs and decorated edge at collar. over this loose cloak draped over shoulders, gathered at right side of waist and flowing over lower half of figure, in gold and white patterned material, gold lined with decorative panelled border. In left hand he holds a decorated open gospel and in right hand quill pen. He wears gold sandals standing on pink and maroon tiled floor. Behind him rich red patterned back cloth with jewelled border with gold tasselled fringe. White fillet border round entire light.
(5) RIGHT LIGHT – SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELISTPointed trefoil. Figure of St. John stands beneath elaborate stone canopy with flowing tracery and windows on blue background. Above canopy white gold edged scroll with black and gold Gothic lettering,S.John, surmounted by golden eagle with outstretched wings and white halo on decorative gold and white stone plinth. St. John with white rayed nimbus with plain gold border, long wavy hair, portrayed as young apostle. He wears long red patterned gown, long sleeved, gold and white cuffs decorated edge at collar and above hem. Over this loose cloak draped over right shoulder and left arm in gold and white patterned material, gold lined with printed border. He holds, with both hands, a decorated book half covered with white cloth with gold tassel and in right hand he also holds quill pen. He wears gold sandals standing on pink and maroon tiled floor. Behind him olive green patterned back cloth with jewelled border with gold tasselled fringe. White fillet border round entire light.
(6 7) across the foot of both lights on brown scroll in front of architecnrral screen with blue background in white Gothic lettering dedication.
To the.glory.of. God.and.in
Memory of.the.sixtieth.year
Two pointed cinquefoil headed lights and four tracery lights in square headed window.
Tracery lights (1-4)
Comprising four long lobed trefoils.
( I a) In each corner lobe there is head of cherub and in other lobes the wings in pale pastel colours.
MAIN LIGHTS (5 and 6)
Pointed cinquefoil- At top of light in the centre a white circle of light surrounded by golden radiating beams. In centre of circle a white dove in flight looking down wide shaft of light which extends into light (6). Around circle on left and right two winged angels in long flowing white marked with pale pastel colours, looking down on dove. Between their heads infant looking down. Narrow fillet border. Angel Gabriel with left arm and index finger raised, right hand holding stem of lilies. With gold nimbus and light brown hair, parted at centre with tear drop decoration (ref a), he wears longsleeved long gown in pastel shades and white. Over this draped from left shoulder a shawl of gold and orange shades. Outstretched wings in blue, purple, red and pink shades. He stands on ground of rock and grasses beneath a small thatched roof. Round sides of lower section and at base of lisht stylised border of climbing stems interspersed with yellow flowers.
Pointed cinquefoil. At top of light group of three seated angels, golden nimbed, wearing long
white flowing robes marked with pastel colours, holding and looking at white veil. The Virgin Mary kneels at priedieu with broad shaft of light entering from light (5) and falling behind her head. Golden nimbus she wears blue veil over head, long sleeved long purple and crimson gown with blue cloak covering shoulders and falling behind her- She half tums towards Angel Gabriel. To left and right are stems of lilies. In foreground vase draped with brown material. ln background black and gold screen with fleurde-lys design. Above this entrance with thatched roof and rustic pillars and to right stone panel. Beneath thatch pink sky and five pink doves. Prie-dieu stands on ground ofrock and grasses. Borders as in light (5).
(7) In bottom right hand corner of light (5) is the maker’s mark, A. ROSENKRANTZ 1915.
Beneath the window, on the wall is a marble tablet with the dedication as in 9 below. The tablet is grey and white mottled marble, darker for frame, rectangular frame set flush to wall. Inscription puttl
robes i also gouged in Roman capitals with dots between words. Patde cross in centre of first and last lines. Frame has stepped curved moulding.
2. Stained and painted glass, lead. Tablet marble.
3. 19 15. Tablet. first quarter 20’I century.
4. h. 135 x w. l05cm. Tablst h.27.5 x w. 6l-0 x d. 4.0 cms.
5- Baron Arild Rosenkrantz. (see item 704 for notes on Rosenkrantz)
6. l,owndes and Drury (ref b)
7. –
8. The donor was the youngest son of John and Lily Noble.
ocToBER. 28 . 1890: + OCTOBER.2 9 . r9t3
a) A Private Passion, Harvard’s Winthrop Collection 2003 Exhibitio4 National Gallery Catalogue.
p375. Burne-Jones, a member of the pre-Raphaelite movement, used the flame motif as in his
“Days of the creation” series and he saw it as the “heads marked by flames of spiritual energy”.
b) Stained Glass Marks and Monograms, Church Recorders.


The Lady Chapel has a series of five windows each with one main pointed trefoil headed light and three geometric tracery lights in the pointed head. The whole group of main lights are shown together below and each is described. The series of windows are by Baron Arild Rosenkrantz and dated 1913. He dedicated them to his mother Julia Louisa.

He that hath an ear
let him hear
what The Spirit
saith unto
the churches
To the Glory of God
and in Loving Memory
of Julia Louisa
b.Oct 18 1840 + d. in Rome Apl 10 1911
Along the base of all 5 lights, in individual scrolls, the inscriptions are in Gothic style, painted, black lettering on white background.
In the bottom right hand corner is the maker’s mark vertically ARILD . RTZ 1913 (ARILD ROZENKRANTZ)
The tracery lights comprise of 1 quatrefoil in shades of blue in the centre with pale mauve border and 2 eyelets in green.
Uriel stands holding a book in right hand with the pages facing outwards with left hand and index finger raised. He has a golden nimbus and short hair with teardrop decoration at a centre parting. He wears a long gown in blue and purple shades with a purple cloak. Large magenta wings enfold the lower half of the figure. Smaller orange wings behind his head. With bare winged feet he stands on light coloured base supported by symbolic branches and vine leaves in the centre of which is a pink stylised rose. Above the figure futher branches and vine leaves enclosing golden rays of light with grapes in trefoil head. Entire light bordered by mauve stylised vine stems.

Gabriel stands holding a glory cross with a rosary in his left hand, and right hand with index finger raised. Golden nimbus and short hair with a tear drop decoration at his centre parting. He wears a long gown in blue and purple shades with purple cloak. Large magenta wings enfold lower half of figure Small orange wings behind head. With bare, winged feet he stands on light coloured base. Below and the above figure and the border are as light 1.
Michael stands holding a long spear in both hands pointing over left shoulder. Golden nimbed and with blue metal helmet he wears a long blue gown with purple cloak. Large magenta wings enfold lower half of figure. Small orange wings behind head. Barefooted he stands with left foot resting on head of slain red dragon on a light coloured base stained with pools of blood. Below and above figure and border as light 1.
DESCRIPTION WINDOW OF 3 LIGHTS, 12 TRACERY LIGHTS AND 2 EYELETS Three cinquefoil headed lights with geometric tracery in a pointed head. Tracery Lights comprising 12 tracery and 2 eyelets. (1 & 2) Two curved mouchettes together forming a circular shape. Five white stars in each on royal blue background. (3 & 4) Eyelets. Royal blue glass. (5) Pointed trefoil. White sun with six rays of varying length on royal blue background. (6) Pointed trefoil. White star, crescent moon and Saturn on royal blue background. (7 & 10) Quatrefoils. Head of seraphim in centre with six pink wings, 2 above, 2 below and one each side. (8 & 9) Dagger shaped. Head of cherubim in centre with six white wings,2 above,2 below and one each side. Blue background. (11 to 14) Dagger shaped. White grirpes, green leaves, brown and purple vines.

Pointed Cinquefoil. Joseph and the Shepherds.
In centre of light Joseph stands bearded head bowed and hands together in prayer behind two young shepherds both kneeling with heads bowed in reverence. Joseph wears hooded cloak in rich blue and green. One shepherd kneels low in foreground wearing short loose-fitting, sleeveless tunic, top bright green, lower part pale green. Behind him second shepherd kneels wearing red loose-fitting tunic with stone bottle at waist. Both shepherds are bare-footed. Behind figures greenery and hanging draped rnauve material. Further back panelled screen and beyond thatched roof supported by tree trunks and further reenery. At top of light on thatched roof three seraphim with coloured wings. At foot of light angel with white nimbus, long hair, wearing loose-fiuing pale blue gown kneeling on right knee, plays harp. Angel looking forward towards (16). Background of purple with large circle of vine stems with smaller circles with coloured centres at corners and white between vine stems. Above angel’s head band of red glass between vine stems. In centre Gloria in black gothic lettering on white background. Entire light surrounded by fillet border of mauve vine stems. This light has a hopper opening with metal frame with cord attached for opening and closing.
Pointed Cinquefoil. In centre of light the three Kings. Melchior stands with head bowed holding his gold crown with both hands and wearing blue and purple robe. He has short hair, moustache and light beard. In front of him, also standing, is Balthazar looking towards infant. He wears blue metal crowned helmet over blue hood with long blue and green robe with brown sleeve. He holds gold decorated pot of myrrh with both hands. Kneeling in front on left knee looking towards centre light Caspar holds open casket with both hands. He wears a turban in the form of red and gold sash wound round red undertap, and long pale green robe with loose patterned cloak of pale pink and green rones. Behind figures the background and top of light are as in (15). Angel looking toward (16). At foot of light angel with white nimbus and long hair, wearing loose-fitting pale coloured gown kneeling on right knee playing lute. Background as foot of light (15). Above angel’s head, horizontal band of red glass between vine stems. In centre DEO in black gothic lettering on white background. Entire light surrounded by fillet border of mauve vine stems. This light has a hopper opening with metal frame.
Three pointed cinquefoil headed lights with geometric tracery within a curved head.
Tracery Lights (1-18) comprising, 12 tracery lights and 6 eyelets. Above each main light is a group of 4 tracery lights (1,2,13,14) above left main light (19)St. Nicolas are syrnbols of Christmas.(1) Quatrefoil. Red holly berries green leaves and blue background.
(2) Quatrefoil. Green ivy leaves in centre, 2 blue lobes, 2 red lobes.
(13) Quatrefoil. Mistletoe in green and white with 2 blue lobes, 2 pink lobes.
(14) Quatrefoil. Sprig of green pointed leaves. 2 blue lobes, 2 orange lobes.
(3,4,15 and 16) above centre main light (20),
Virgin and Child, are symbols of the incarnation.
(3) Quatrefoil. 2 gold bells in centre, 2 blue lobes. 1 pink lobe and 1 orange lobe with bell rope.
(4) Quatrefoil. Six pointed gold star in centre with gold rays turning red in lower lobe, upper lobe red, side lobes blue.
(15) Quatrefoil. Black lantern with candle surrounded by yellow rays. 2 blue lobes, 1 red lobe and 1 patterned orage lobe.
(16) Quatrefoil. White dove with olive branch in beak, tail and wing feathers extended onto blue glass of right hand lobe. Left hand blue lobe leaves and twig. Upper lobe orange lower lobe red with lettering PAX on red strip, red background.(5,6,17,18) above right main light (21 St. Birinus), are symbols thought to be connected with baptisms carried out by St.Birinus. (5) Quatrefoil. White toad in centre, pink spawn, 2 orange lobes 2 red lobes. (6) Quatrefoil. In centre yellow water lily, green leaf, 2 mauve lobes, 2 red lobes. (17) Quatrefoil. In centre water beetle. 2 red lobes 2 orange lobes (18) Quatrefoil. black & white fish, green leaf 4 lobes in shades of red. (7-12) Eyelets, clear glass.MAIN LIGHTS (19,21)
(19) pointed cinquefoil. St. Nicolas stands against blue background, in front of him there are three children. With gold numbus he wears a red mitre. long white sleeved gown under a red diagonal patternd dalmatic, red cope with green lining and gold and red orphrey and gold morse bearing sholders of Christ with arms raised.
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