September 2018 PCC Report

The Joint PCC met on the evening of Tuesday, 18th September.  The following matters were addressed.  Do consult any member of the PCC if you would like further information on these matters.

  1. Life Treasury: The plan is to install the first section of shelving for the Life Treasury boxes on the south wall adjacent to the Lady Chapel.  Later we may set up further shelving in an “L” shape to create a quiet area just next to the Lady Chapel.  Issues about the wall radiator and what we do with the staging stored in the corner are both being addressed.
  2. War Memorial Refurbishment: Diocesan approval has been obtained and the Town Council will now be given the go ahead to get the work done – hopefully before Remembrance Sunday.
  3. The Heating System: Having installed a pipe to take water from the system away from the wall of the church outside, the heating system can now be used at the same level of efficiency (or inefficiency!) as last season.  We await a quotation for flushing out the pipes and we have identified a company which will examine our situation and outline options for the longer term future.
  4. Parish Giving Scheme: The Council voted to introduce this Diocesan scheme enabling church members and the wider community to more easily contribute regularly to the church.  Our Treasurer, James Snoxall will lead this development and PCC members will sign up and promote it.  A timeline for the stages of implementation is being created.  The Vicar and Church Wardens are preparing a document which explains the scheme, outlines how it works and highlights what impact wider participation and regular giving will make to what we can do as a church.
  5. Worship Sub-Committee: The Vicar explained that, with the demise of All Age Worship in the School Hall, the Sub-Committee has initially focused on the worship needs of families.  The Council welcomed a proposal to establish a small team to create a new monthly ‘family’/contemporary service at St Nicolas which would normally be non-eucharistic.  It was emphasised that this would be an inclusive service for everyone – not simply a children’s service.  Part of this proposal suggests that Choral Matins be moved to St Anne’s Church on the fourth Sunday to accommodate this new development.  There will be further consultation about this proposal including the timings of the services.  It is planned to introduce this scheme in January, 2019.
  6. Review of Mission Action Plan: The Council reflected on past, present and future actions related to the three themes of our Mission Action Plan – Being faithful to God, Caring for Each Other and Serving Our Community.  It was resolved that next year, the Council will organise some sort of ‘Away Day’ to move our planning forward in the light of what has been achieved and the changing needs of our parishes.
  7. South Side Appeal: The Council heard that with the huge success of the Psalmathon, we are now about half way to achieving our £75K goal. There are pleasing further fundraising events/activities this autumn but less is planned for 2019. The Council was urged to think about possibilities for the new year.
  8. Harvest Festival and Lunch: There is some concern that the take up for St Nicolas Harvest Lunch may be down this year.  If it is not viable, the lunch will be cancelled and we will need to consider the reasons for lower take up and options for the future.
  9. Bonfire and Bangers Evening: The Council were keen to ensure that our Vicar is able to host this event without having to run everything herself!  Members were requested to indicate what they could do to help both in preparation and on the night.
  10. Remembrance Sunday: Given that this is the 100th anniversary of the end of the 1st World War and that Remembrance Sunday is 11th November this year, it is anticipated that we will have a very full church for this occasion.  We will print 400 service sheets and set chairs out everywhere probably including the lady chapel.  The eight sidespeople will be invited to the rehearsal on the Saturday to ensure a smooth running operation on the Sunday.
  11. Safeguarding: All members of PCC are required to complete an online training programme.  About half of our members have done this and the other half will do it over the next month.
  12. Health and Safety: There is an issue regarding falling plaster in the sanctuary.  This will be investigated.  In the short term, we may need to create a temporary nave alter.
  13. Electoral Roll: Two new applications have been received and were approved.
  14. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer issued a current statement and indicated that we are about £2.5K down on where we need to be in terms of income at this time.
  15. Churchyard: Recent efforts to ensure regulations regarding graves have been adhered to, have markedly improved our churchyard recently.
  16. Quinquennial Report: This is due to be done in 2019 but in view of the work due to be done on the South Wall, it was agreed to defer this review until 2020.
  17. Women’s World Day of Prayer: It was agreed that we ought to be involved in this.  A reference to it will be made in the Pew Leaflet asking if anyone would be interested in being involved.
  18. Christmas matters: We discussed how we might be able to help with the Village Carol Singing and involvement with the Churches Together initiative in the town.