Mission in Our Parishes

Prayers for our response to fulfilling God’s mission in our community.  

We pray for the Anglican Community throughout the world and for all the leaders of our Church, clergy and laity, that they may lead us forward to do your work in our rapidly changing world

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our Diocese; our bishops, archdeacons and area deans, the ministry and mission teams that they may support the work of parishes through helping us to develop a common sense of direction and a greater understanding as to how we can achieve God’s mission in our community.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the parishes of Taplow and Dropmore within the community of the Jubilee River Churches, that people recognize that our churches are their churches and that we are there for them in sickness and health, in happy times and sad times, at all times throughout their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves as the Christian community here in Taplow and Dropmore, and especially for our Vicar, Jane Cresswell.  May we grow closer to each other, listen to each other and support each other in exploring your mission for our community and what contributions we each can make.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that what we are doing in God’s name here inspires interest amongst others in our community who might feel called to ministry with us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

A Litany

Loving God, we pray for the work of our two parishes.

For the vision of our two Parochial Church Councils that they may establish a clear sense of direction for Your work in our community

Lord, hear my prayer

For the part played by our Vicar and our churchwardens in strengthening relationships between all those involved in planning for the future.

Lord, hear my prayer

For the skills and dedication of all those who take on responsibilities in our church life and without whom our church life would be greatly compromised

Lord, hear my prayer

For our congregations in St Anne’s and St Nicolas that everyone may find ways to actively support our church life and play their part in moving us forward.

Lord, hear my prayer

For our parish communities that they may see the significance of their parish church in their lives and deepen their sense of belonging.

Lord, hear my prayer

For those within the Diocese who can help and advise us in establishing the best ways we can to achieve our Mission Action Plan objectives.

Lord, hear my prayer

Lord, we ask for your blessing on us all as we step forward towards a new era in our church communities.