
We are delighted that you are considering asking for baptism at St Nicolas Taplow.  God is gracious and reaches out in love towards us.  In return God calls us to respond to his love.  Baptism is one of the ways we can do this and a really important moment in life, whatever age we are.  At St Nicolas Taplow we will do everything we can to make it a very special day.

Baptism of Infants & Children
For children too young to make such a profession of faith on their own, parents and godparents are asked to make promises on behalf of themselves and their child.  They promise to do all they can to help their child grow in faith, and walk in the way of Christ.

St Nicolas Church, like any congregation, is the family of baptised people, who gather together each Sunday to fulfill their baptismal promises, walking the path of faith.  An essential part of baptism is being welcomed into this new family, and so baptism is normally offered during our 10.45 a.m. Sunday worship on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 5th Sunday of the month or at Worship for All on the 4th Sunday.

You will be invited to join a baptism preparation course and we would ask you, as you prepare for baptism to come to church as often as you can.  It is important to know the family of faith to which you are asking to belong, and to experience for yourself how we can help you fulfill the promises that you will make to be faithful in public worship and private prayer.

What is the next step?
Please contact the Reverend Jane Cresswell on 07848 228456 or by email to  She will be pleased to agree a convenient time to visit you at home and talk with you about arranging the baptism service.

Baptism and confirmation of adults
If you were not baptised as a child and are thinking about seeking baptism as an adult, or want to renew the promises that were made on your behalf as a child by being confirmed, please contact the Reverend Jane Cresswell on 07848 228456 or in the first instance.