May 2019 PCC Report

Our Joint PCC met on Tuesday, 21st May. The outcomes were as follows:

  • South Side Repairs: Now that the urgent work has been completed and paid for, the remaining work (for which a further £25K is required) will be left until after the Quinquennial Report next year. This will provide us with a good opportunity to raise the remaining funds required.
  • Heating: The heating pump has been replaced but the boiler has failed again and is due to have a full manufacturer’s service. These combined repairs amount to around £3K but hopefully will result in a reliable heating system for next winter.
  • Summer Fete: Plans are now advanced and we are recruiting help as needed.
  • Safeguarding Review: Our Safeguarding Officer will attend a future meeting to speak to our policy. In the meantime, we approved the existing policy and checked on who still needs to complete the training.
  • Stewardship: We have produced a leaflet for the general community to encourage regular donations via the parish giving scheme. These leaflets will be circulated with welcome packs and at events such as the fete. We are making good use of local journals such as ‘Round and About’ and ‘Hitcham and Taplow Society’ magazine to encourage community funding support. We now have 28 people on the Parish Giving Scheme and continue to talk to others about this. Arrangements are being made to instal a card reader in the porch for ad hoc payments at baptisms, weddings, funerals and all other big services. The card reader will be advertised at key services and there will be a notice in each pew about it.
  • PCC Sub Committees: Members discussed the establishing of five sub-committees: Finance, Buildings, Worship, Mission and Social. All PCC members will be on one of these and other members of our parishes will be invited to join according to what people can offer. These sub committees will meet between PCC meetings and report to the PCC on matters addressed. Further planning work will be done at the PCC Away Day in July.
  • ‘Thy Kingdom Come’: the PCC noted our parishes involvement in this initiative and encouraged participation.
  • ‘Ride and Stride’: given that St Nicolas Appeal received £6K from this fund, it is hoped that we can welcome this year’s participants when they come to our church during the event in September.
  • Removal of Dead Tree in Churchyard: a large tree covered with ivy behind our war memorial is becoming a danger and needs to be removed. This is likely to cost £2/3K but must be done. Quotes are being obtained.