For further information about any of these matters, do not hesitate to talk with any member of the PCC.
- Stewardship: Responses from our congregation are coming in and will be addressed (confidentially) by the Vicar (offers of help) and Treasurer (financial giving). We will be reviewing the process at our next meeting
- Servery in church: The three month trial period ends this month and, in the light of the advantages shown, we are seeking professional design assistance and will illustrate what a permanent facility in the north aisle could look like and gage views.
- Sound/Video upgrade work: this begins next week (14th November) and does include attention to the hearing loop
- Use of Oasis in Flower Arranging: The PCC learnt of national moves to find ways to stop using single use, plastic oasis. Whilst obviously supporting this, the PCC would like our flower-arrangers to advise us on how this could be achieved.
- Reviewing our Mission Action Plan: The PCC plans to have an away-day in the Spring to carry out this review and to include the use of a survey tool to gain the views of our church members.
- Advent and Lent Courses: We are grateful to our Vicar for leading these valuable experiences – the Advent Course is already advertised and the Lent Course will be on the theme ‘The Inclusive Church’.
- Together in Love and Faith: PCC members reflected on the outcomes of this national initiative and our Bishop’s response. We intend to share key messages in the context of ‘The Inclusive Church’ in the Spring.
- Refugee Support Café: With the arrival of growing numbers of refugees in our community (not just from Ukraine), we talked about starting something similar to the Hope Café as a way for refugees to meet and also for us to learn from them.
- Fabric: Our Church Wardens reported on important tree surgery work and current difficulties related to repairs at the vault in the old churchyard.
- Friends of St Nicolas Church: the PCC is delighted that, as we start the second year of activities, we have such a thriving ‘Friends’ Community which is also raising significant sums of money for the church.
- Finance: The meeting heard about deanery decisions related to parish share and dealt with the implications for us. Practical matters were addressed and we resolved to keep church members aware of our difficult financial position showing expenditure exceeding income.
- Safeguarding: Sunday, 20th November will be Safeguarding Sunday and during the morning service, we will watch a short video on the subject.
- Future Events: The Christmas service arrangements were agreed; there will be mince-pies and wine after the Carol Service. We are opening the church on three Saturday mornings as a pop-up shop selling our cards, calendars, craft items and offering refreshments.