Outcomes from PCC Meeting: Tuesday, 28th September, 2021

  1. The meeting heard update reports related to the ‘Friends of St Nicolas’ (the annual event was a great start), the online-calendar (now kept up to date), the Harvest Festival/Scarecrow Festival (sorting out arrangements), Safeguarding (ensuring all PCC members have done online training), Vestry Roof repair (obtaining a contractor/quote), Taplow Old Churchyard (visit of Diocesan Archeologist), Pastoral Care team (details of members/roles/training), Wilding churchyard (identifying area of churchyard for wildflowers etc).
  2. Stewardship: The meeting discussed a proposed detailed document to go to all church members relating to stewardship: our money and our talents.  It was agreed that it is time for our church community to reflect on our stewardship.  A programme of activities is being put together to support this.
  3. Commonwealth War Graves Sign: We have been offered a small sign for our front railings to indicate that our churchyard does contain such graves.  It was agreed to accept this.
  4. Bereavement/Community Café: Suzanne is leading this initiative based in the South Aisle.  Some funding, furniture items and volunteers are being sought.  It is hoped to start in November once a month on a Wednesday afternoon.
  5. Church Opening: The meeting reflected on the balance between our aspiration to open the church more during the week and our need for more participation from our church community and adequate funding.
  6. Toilet Twinning: We have joined a scheme where we pay £60 to provide a toilet in a deprived part of the world funded by donations related to our own toilet.
  7. Sub-Committee Reports: Worship: there will be a new musical setting and the introduction of a trial nave alter introduced at our patronal festival.  Mission/Outreach: the group are looking to propose that we support one charity per month with a single retiring collection.  Social: the focus in now on the Harvest/Bonfire & Bangers arrangements.
  8. Treasurer’s Report: The meeting received financial reports and agreed to pay a further £8K of our parish share.  
  9. Deanery Synod: The meeting heard of Deanery proposals for how the parish share formula might be improved.
  10. Health and Safety: It is hoped to improve the area at the side of the Lady Chapel where the brasses are to avoid the carpet edge issue.
  11. Electoral Role: There has been one new application.
  12. Administrative Support: it is hoped to establish a part-time paid role enabled from private donation to support the realisation of our mission objectives.
  13. Yew trees at the War Memorial: we are looking for someone to keep these trees trimmed.