Outcomes from PCC Meeting: Tuesday, 16th November, 2021

  • Inclusive Church: we asked the Mission, Outreach & Charity Sub-Committee to look at the possible benefits of registering with the charity ‘Inclusive Church’.
  • Mission Action Plans: we reviewed progress against our three priorities:
    • Opening the church more during the week: we referred to new developments including Snic Snacks, Tiny Tots & Tea and the Scarecrow Festival and noted signs of growth both in people coming into church and in ideas for opening the church more.  The issue of encouraging more volunteering was felt critical to this development.
    • Pastoral Care: we have now established a team which will begin its work shortly.
    • Online Presence: We referred to the installation of broadband, the live-streaming of services, website developments including the calendar and online shop, our You Tube profile and our presence on Facebook.  We need more technical volunteer support to improve our online presence further.
  • Parish Administrator: through private donation, we have established a 10 hour per week post to support our growing activities.
  • Churches Together: we are pleased to host a ‘Songs of Praise’ for local churches on 23rd January, 2022
  • Remembrance Sunday: we reviewed this service very positively
  • Building Fabric: We noted the excellent roof repairs carried out recently and other maintenance issues reported and requiring attention.  Tony and Hilary are also addressing problems related to our Church Clock.
  • The Friends: There are now some 70 Friends and we have around £1000 in the bank.  The Friends will buy a fridge for church and pay for a licence to show DVDs.  The new year will see the introduction of bi-monthly ‘Taplow Talks’
  • Finance: It was agreed to pay our Parish Share in full for 2021 and hopefully to pay off our debts for the new heating system by the end of this year.  Our treasurer is addressing difficult issues around our energy suppliers.
  • Safeguarding: it was noted that all jobs related to church work should have a job description.