Outcomes from PCC Meeting; Sunday, 16th May, 2021

The PCC met on Zoom last Wednesday.

The meeting expressed preferences for alternative Parish straplines related to our mission priorities and decided to ask our congregations to also express their views on two of them.  There will be more on this in the pew leaflet next week.

The Council also considered progress on our three mission priorities.  Related to opening the church during the week, Suzanne is leading a development to seek funding to establish a bereavement group which we expect will lead to additional opportunities.  We are committed to establishing a Pastoral Care Team to address needs in our community.  We also shared a summary of the significant progress made in developing our online presence with live-streaming, website and facebook developments.  

The PCC is also committed to launching a Stewardship review and campaign and a strategy for this was supported by the PCC.  Mark will now finalise the stages of this campaign with dates, for our June meeting.

The Council voted to launch the Friends of St Nicolas Church to which all members of our community—including ourselves! – will be invited.  The first event for the Friends will be in September.  More news of this soon.

In addition to receiving an update on our Finances, the PCC also considered Safeguarding training, Health and Safety and heard an update on the Electoral Roll and Deanery Synod matters. Following all the Covid restrictions, all of our Sub-Committees have been asked to meet before our next meeting on 22nd June (which we hope will be face to face!).