Worship for Sunday, 23rd February, 2025: 2nd Sunday before Lent

This Sunday, at 9:15 there is a Choral Matins Service at St Anne’s Church, Dropmore and with activities and refreshments from 10:15, there is our monthly Worship for All Service at St Nicolas Church. This service begins at 10:45. There is no live stream this Sunday but the link for the Church of England service is below.

Our emailed pew leaflet is issued to all those on the electoral roll on Saturday as usual. If you don’t receive the emailed pew leaflet but would like to, please contact us.

The Church of England streamed service is updated here on the Saturday before the Sunday.

A Service for the Third Sunday before Lent

Join us for our Service for the Third Sunday before Lent, from Rotherham Minster. This service is led by Rev Canon Phil Batchford and Rev Justine Smith along with some of the congregation from the Minster.

During this service we will explore what it means to be the people of God and how God calls us to be like Jesus.
Be sure to tune in and be part of this community of faith, connecting worshippers across England and beyond.

You are invited to our weekly online service live on Sunday 16 February from 9am on our websiteFacebook or YouTube . It will be available for playback immediately after as well.All of our weekly service content is manually subtitled and contains British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation throughout.

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