Our notices are circulated by email to all members of our church (those on the electoral roll). You can use the ‘Contact us’ section of this website to ask for this weekly email to be sent to you.

Rectory Road Re-Surfacing: This coming week, Rectory Road is being re-surfaced. The evenings and next Sunday should be all right but during the day this week, access our church via the High Street only. There will be no Midweek Holy Communion service on Wednesday (19th) at 12:30.

Click this link to order tickets for the Taplow Talk.

Our Charity of the Month: This is Lighthouse Burnham which is a fun-filled week in the school summer holidays for youngsters 4-11 with teenagers learning responsibility overseen by adults. All attend on an entirely voluntary basis. It is expected that Lighthouse Burnham will accommodate up to 150 children this year who will make wonderful memories together. Please give generously using the Charity box at the back of church or the card reader (write the date and amount on the adjacent card to ensure your donation goes to this cause). Thank you. To raise more funds for the cause, an Italian themed dinnerhas been organised at Burnham Park Hall on Friday, 28th February. It is a three course meal starting at 7:15pm. Suggested donation £20. All are welcome: please email Terry Gamble to book places: tjgamble321@gmail.com

How might you mark Lent in your life this year?This Lent we are using the Church of England’s Lent theme for our daily reflections: it is called Living Hope. There are 40 readings and reflections which explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter. You can have the daily reflections emailed to you each day or you can have a booklet with all the reflections in it to use each day; some copies will be available to take from church from next Sunday or you can order your own copy. To sign up for the Lent programme, visit the homepage of our website. There is also a series of reflections for children.

Renewing the Electoral Roll: Thank you to everyone who has already filled in the form. If you still have to complete the form, please collect one from the back of church, complete it and put it in the red box. Alternatively complete the form online; it’s a quick job! please click this link to complete the form.

Our Financial Position: Our Treasurer Jessie reports our income against expenses in January achieved just 84%. “The shortfall in funds represents our monthly Parish Share underpayment of £888. It’s too early in the year to really comment as we have not yet paid our gas bill for November and December’s usage due to an ongoing dispute with Total Energies”.

Church Cleaning: Could you give an hour or so once a month to join our rota of volunteer cleaners: we work in pairs to vacuum the carpet, mop floors, empty bins, clean the kitchen and toilet etc to make the church welcoming for all to use. It is a chore we share: if you will join our rota, we all benefit! Please do talk to Carole for more information.

Parish Giving Scheme: Our treasurer, Jessie Cooper points out to us that the very best way to contribute to the work of our Parish Church is to use the Parish Giving Scheme. If you do not yet use this way of donating to church and you would like to know more about it or ask any questions, please contact Jessie Cooper (Parish Treasurer) in confidence… by email: jessie.stnicolas@gmail.com or phone: 01628 603187
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