Lighthouse Burnham is a fun-filled week in the school summer holidays for youngsters 4-11 with teenagers learning responsibility overseen by adults. All attend on an entirely voluntary basis. It is expected that Lighthouse Burnham will accommodate up to 150 children this year who will make wonderful memories together. Please give generously using the Charity box at the back of church or the card reader (write the date and amount on the adjacent card to ensure your donation goes to this cause). Thank you.
To raise more funds, an Italian themed dinner has been organised at Burnham Park Hall on Friday, 28th February. Jo Mortimer, of Yummies in Eastfield Road, has offered to cater at cost price. There is a three course meal starting at 7:15pm. Suggested donation £20. Of course, additional donations are always agreeable! Spouses, partners, and friends are naturally also welcome. Please email Terry Gamble (tjgamble321@gmail.com) to order your tickets and indicate if you would like your donation to be gift-aided. You can make your donation by bank transfer (details from Terry).
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