Renewing our Electoral Roll

This year, all parishes are required to prepare a new electoral roll as part of the Annual Parish Church Meeting process. Everyone that wishes to remain on the electoral roll will need to reapply. There are three ways to complete the form:

  1. There are forms available at the back of church and the red box is there to submit your completed form. 
  2. You can download the form by clicking this link, print it off and submit it by hand or post.
  3. You can complete and submit the form online by clicking this link.

It is important that everyone with an interest in our local Parish Church completes this electoral roll form. All church members receive our weekly emailed pew leaflet, you are able to vote for Parish Church Council members, and have a say in how our church is run both at present and into the future. Please make every effort to complete and submit the form this month.

Thank you.

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