Outcomes from PCC Meeting: Wednesday, 16th March, 2022

  • Parish Administrator: Caroline Breede is now doing ten hours a month administrative work for the parish.  She is also now our Safeguarding Officer.  This is funded from a private donation.
  • Job Descriptions: to fulfil safeguarding requirements, all volunteer roles within our church need a brief job description.  We are creating these.
  • Jane’s Sabbatical Leave: The meeting dealt with how we will address issues that could arise during this period.
  • Stewardship Campaign: This will take place during May and June.  A booklet of information is being created, there will be posters and six inputs on different aspects of stewardship on Sundays in May and June.
  • The Annual Report: This was approved ready for the APCM on 3rd April.
  • Church Wardens: The meeting discussed the need to recruit a new Church warden given that Janet’s new job means she is unable to fulfil the role.  Tony and Hilary are thinking through the skills needed to complement the work they do.
  • Support for Ukraine:  The PCC unanimously voted to register our church with the Sanctuary Foundation to support Ukrainian refugees.  The meeting considered the implications of this; we aim to work with the wider community and identify what we can offer.
  • Sub-committee reports: The fabric sub-group reported on what is being done to address the ridge in the red carpet at the west end.  The meeting showed its appreciation and admiration of the Social Committee for recent highly successful events.  It was also reported that the ‘Friends’ now number over 70, a second newsletter has been circulated and the Taplow Talks initiative is proving very successful.
  • Parish Newsletter: the meeting showed appreciation for the efforts of Hilary and Tony is producing another wonderful parish newsletter for every home in our parish.