Outcomes from PCC Meeting: Sunday, 23rd August, 2020

  1. The installation of broadband to St Nicolas Church: this has been approved by the Diocese and the work is likely to be carried out in the next few weeks.  The computer in the office area will be cable linked and there will also be a router installed.  The PCC received a document outlining the exciting potential for growth when this work is completed.
  2. The Annual Parish Church Meeting: this is now scheduled for Sunday, 18th October at 12:00.
  3. Review of lockdown experience: the PCC shared views related to what has been good, what we have learnt for the future and what could be improved.  Responses centred around worship, involvement with children and young families and connecting with the wider community.
    1. Worship: the online provision (the Sunday service and Wednesday Compline) was welcomed. It was felt the Sunday online offering should continue and develop and there are plans to provide some daily worship materials online.  The need to ensure those without access to the internet do not lose out was highlighted as was the need to develop online provision which enables responses.  A sub-committee of the PCC has been formed to develop future plans for online worship.  The work done to hold services in church safely was appreciated and bringing the altar towards the nave has addressed one of the recommendations of the Worship Sub-Committee.
    1. Children: The needs of children and young families was highlighted.  The provision of children’s ‘packs’ delivered to homes was appreciated and suggestions were made for more materials for children online and possible access to church (not during a service) linked to a festival eg creating harvest collage.
    1. Wider Community: Work done during the pandemic both online and through visits etc was welcomed.  It was felt that we need to improve how we co-ordinate our community outreach so that there is better communication between us.  With regard to online communication, the need to link our Facebook page with our website was highlighted.
  4. Finance: In approving the accounts for 2019, the PCC were made aware that our income is not meeting our expenditure.  In order to balance our books, we need to increase our income by £1K per month and this will increase to a £2K per month next year when we have to start paying back the loan for the heating system.  Addressing the gap between income and expenditure is now a top priority.
  5. Other things: The PCC also agreed the Safeguarding Policy and approved some Electoral Roll applications.
  6. Vacancies on PCC: James Snoxall is standing down as Parish Treasurer and there is also likely to be two or three vacancies on the PCC (from the APCM).  We will circulate this information as widely as possible and also pray that others may feel a calling to support our church through serving on the PCC.
  7. Next Meeting: The PCC will meet again on Sunday, 1st November, 2020.